Monday, January 22, 2007

jan 19

Didn’t do much of anything today. Last night I ended up going to La Mariscal with the Wisconsin kids. They made fun of my accent a lot last night. I miss Virginia.
I saw Dukes of Hazzard in Spanish. Like the tv show, not the movie. Pretty weird.
Did some reading and homework stuff for Monday’s classes.
Went to the pharmacy & got some Sudafed-ish medicine, some tape, gum, and a card for my phone, but it wont work for some reason…
Watched some TV.
I’m here now. Bored. MariClara has been crying all day. Not really sure whats going on. I know its some problem with her boyfriend. I asked if she wanted to talk about it and all she said was that she needed more than he was giving her. Pretty vague.
I don’t have anything to do tonight. The Wisconsin kids, except Whitney, all headed out of town for the night to go to the market-deal place tomorrow. But whitney has class and I have to go to the museum with my class so we are the only two here. I’m assuming the night will probably consist of me sitting in my room. Blah.
It’s been really nice weather here lately. Except the past couple of days it has started raining around 4pm and pretty much stays drizzly for the rest of the night. Its nothing too bad, just some drizzly stuff. Don’t really know what to expect when rainy season starts, though.
I got a card from JoJo & Grandaddy yesterday. It made me smile. Evidently Blacksburg has gotten some snow…..i wish I could see some!!!!
I can’t wait for my internet at the house so I can post these things, post pictures, have something at least to entertain me when I’m sitting here in my room…..
Um. I don’t have anything to say….I am bored. And it’s not like I can call someone up and see if they want to do something, because all I really know to do is go out to bars & stuff and I’m not really into doing that with just one other person. I thought about asking MariClara what she was going to do tonight and maybe do something with her, but since she’s had such a crappy day and all I don’t think it’s the best idea. And I have to get up early, I have to be at the museum at 10am. I don’t know what time I need to leave here to get there on time, I guess I should ask one of them that sometime soon.
Oh – also on TV in Spanish….The Sandlot!!!


Dana B said...



i had a very strange dream about you last night that included some sort of clothes swapping.

look for a package from the ATL in, i suppose, 10 days or so.

love ya, leah!

Karen said...

B'burg may have gotten snow, but all we got was ice! Now it is all just slush. I think the weather knocked out the satelite signal - the VT/Maryland bball game disappeared! The Hokies did win in overtime though - with the coliseum filled with students who got in free because all the ticket holders couldn't make it to the game!

Luv ya,

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear from you. This has been a long week without any news of our favorite youngest granddaughter. We didn't see the game on tw either. It was blacked out at comcast. But the game was very good because Tech won. Sounds like you enjoyed the soccor. good. take care and we love you. JoJo

JMU MPA said...

still waiting on a package from the ATL.....
i wish i could see some quality ACC basketball...