crazy indiana jones bridge we had to travel across in the basilica to get to the SMALL tower. this was AFTER we went to the tall ones. this was nothing by this time in the day haha

view from the small tower in the basillica. those two towers are the ones we climbed first. i was above the clock in the one on the left. so high.

cuy = guinea pig. they eat it like BBQ here. notice their mouths open. as if they are screaming for help. i have yet to get up the courage to try it....

crazy looking stuffed llama in the museum in Banos. looks like it needs some food or something. all the animals here looked this bad. they dont know how to stuff animals here obviously. haha

the man making us SWEET taffy in Banos. we got free samples. it was warm and gooey. oh it was magnificent. :)
The tower and bridge pix are awesome! Guinea pig - not so sure about. Taffy? YUM!
Have your mom bring back some of that taffy.
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